As we start this new decade, we face the dangers of an unprecedented anger embedded in our nation as well as in countries across the the world. It is a time when divides widen, factions combat and violence erupts. We try not to speak to subjects that spread fear and panic and ‘tis, of course, the season of fairy tales, happy endings and It’s a Wonderful Life.
Staying silent and standing still in the face of economic hardship, volcanic violence and a world at war will lead only to an unprepared populace further angered by perceived government apathy to setbacks ignored. There is little doubt our government is acutely aware of dangerous threats and addressing issues behind closed doors. This policy, however, defies our nation’s hunger for truth and united leadership to command us in the battle we dare confront.
In order to assuage the anger, we must carefully analyze the issues that have inspired its eruption. Enlightenment begins with the search for truth. Truth is a word that we all use easily but of which few of us understand the inherent meaning or the sacrifices necessary to follow a path that the concept defines. Truth forces us all to look at ourselves without façade; to face demons, admit frailties and acquiesce to changes of character in order to become the persons we hold ourselves to be. Living loyal to truth requires a never-ending process of self-reflection. This may appear off subject, with words more aligned to spiritual guidance than a pathway to a country repaired, but such would be perception, not reality.
Healing the economy, assuaging anger and rebuilding America will begin both with truth and self-reflection. We must all strive to be better people and to demonstrate those qualities that create light in a world gone dark. Our country’s most valuable asset is human capital, and the most potent force of nature is people standing together, moving in one direction, pure of intent and collective in consciousness. We must all be aligned in the battle of rebuilding America. This begins with acceptance of individual responsibility for our part in the current communal economic, social and spiritual malaise. We must transcend from a culture of expectation to a nation of appreciation. We must feel inspired to give and to help — gifts and aid must be greeted with gracious acceptance. Jobs must be created —employment must be embraced. Collective change begins with individual transformation.
It is difficult to ignore daily reports of violence in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran and Yemen. December also witnessed attacks on Berlusconi and the Pope in a more gentile Italy. Christmas in the U.S. will be defined by the terrorist attack that could have been. And lest we forget the populist anger and vengeance inspired by payment of AIG bonuses, the stampede of the Detroit hungry on lines for Federal help or the need for riot police on California campuses during tuition hikes, we would be remiss to the recognition of seething anger in our nation divided.
Truth is cold and hard but it is also the first step on the path of hope and salvation. We are a nation starved for truth; for solutions to plaguing problems, alignment of Wall Street and Main Street and for leadership in the battle of rebuilding America.
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