Lynn Tilton was featured on the front page of the Detroit Free Press regarding her success as a "Turnaround Powerhouse." Article Link Here: 20101128 - Detroit Free Press Article
At some point during our transition from manufacturing economy to financial service market, we set a taint on being blue; blue collar, that is. The foundation of our great nation... read more →
As a native New Yorker, I am forever tempted by dinner and show. Wednesday night, while neither wined nor dined, I was mesmerized by the President’s performance. The Commander in... read more →
Although the jobless rate in America surprisingly soared to 10.2% with the broader measure of underemployment reaching 17.5%, heights not witnessed since the Great Depression, economists and government maintain economic... read more →
One year ago, in response to a Treasury Plan to rescue large banks without mandate for lending, I rose defiantly from my comfort zone below the radar screen to speak... read more →
The plan announced last week by President Obama to encourage lending to small businesses, in its recognition of the severity of the problem, is a noble first step. However, if... read more →
Lynn Tilton's December 4th interview on CNBC Power Lunch. The topic of discussion is "A Plan to Save U.S. Jobs".
Dear Mr. Geithner, I struggle to understand why you ignore my letters and calls? I appreciate the depth and breadth of issues you face, decisions to make and responsibility to... read more →
"(Fortune Magazine) -- Lynn Tilton does not look or sound like your typical vulture investor. But that could be because the sometimes provocatively attired (and always outspoken) founder of Patriarch... read more →
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